Corporate Governance
The Company’s philosophy of corporate governance is to enhance long-term shareholders value, achieve operational efficiencies and business results in all areas of company’s operations, with compliance of all statutory and regulatory provisions. The Company believes in transparency, openness and disclosure of information consistent with the business environment in which the company operates.
The code of conduct of Gangotri Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. has been framed specifically in compliance with the provisions of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with Stock Exchanges. The matters covered in this code are of utmost importance to the Company, our shareholders, dealers and business associates. The purpose of this code is to articulate highest standards of honesty, integrity, ethical and law abiding behavior. The code of conduct shall be applicable to all the board members and senior management personnel.
- Compliance with statutory and regulatory provisions: The board members and senior management personnel shall ensure compliance with all statutory and regulatory provisions as may be applicable to the company.
- Transparency :The company believes that transparency means explaining company’s policies and actions to those to whom it has responsibilities. Therefore transparency must lead to maximum appropriate disclosures without jeopardizing the company’s strategic interests. Internally, transparency means openness in company’s relationship with its employees, as well as the conduct of its business in a manner that will bear scrutiny. We believe transparency enhances accountability.
- Confidentiality : The board members and senior management personnel shall maintain confidentiality of any information with respect to the company or that of any dealer supplier or business associate of the company except where disclosure of such information is authorised or legally mandated.
- Accountability : The Company believes that the Board of Directors are accountable to the shareholders, and the management is accountable to the Board of Directors. The Company believe that empowerment, combined with accountability, provides an impetus to performance and improves effectiveness, thereby enhancing shareholder value.
- Compliance with the code of conduct: The Board members and senior management personnel of the company commit themselves to achieve excellence in Corporate Governance and to regularly review the Board procedures and the management systems for further improvement.
- E-mail ID for investor grievances: [email protected]
- Shareholding Pattern
- Report on Corporate Governance - 30th June, 2012
- Report on Corporate Governance - 31st March, 2012