GISCO Thermex TMT bars are manufactured by using the latest German “Thermex” Process under licence from H&K Rolling Mills Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai on behalf of Hennigsdorfer Stahl Engineering GmbH, Germanay
The products comply with quality specifications under BIS (IS) 1786:1985 as well as with the latest British Standard for TMT Bars, BS4449-2005, introduced in January, 2006. The bars manufactured with Thermex technology can withstand the effect of earthquake because these bars have higher elongation and +yield strength, high ductility and better bonding with cement concrete mix. All these properties are capable of providing adequate strength to structures for with standing natural hazards which is not available in CTD bars and ordinary TMT bars produced locally with low technological support. All GISCO Thermex TMT bars are comparable to most of the international standards and confirms to BS 4449:2000 which was recently introduced i.e. w.e.f 1st January’2006. Saving upto 15-20 % steel consumption on structures, being properly designed, can be achieved resulting in economizing the cost of construction which is not available in CTD bars and locally manufactured TMT bars.
We now make 500 grades of TMT bars and our company has started reaping the benefits of the same.